Monday, June 01, 2009

Where it comes from . . .

So, people ask me all the time. . .
"Roc, why are you so super talented, amazingly handsome and an all around enjoyable person to be in the presence of?" . . .the question is usually something like that.
So here's the answer. . .I'm awesome.
nah, seriously though. most of my creative qualities come from my dad. I got this text from my brother with this pic of my Dad's latest Barack Obama piece. I'm always in awe of his stuff, especially since he hardly ever sits down to draw at all. So I thought I'd show it off.

-Keep it ill-


Phillip Boutte Jr. said...

If I could draw like that, I would never get up from my table. It must be cool to have grown up with inspiration so readily available. Very cool....

Kyle said...

Wow i must say fam this is a crazy piece! I guess talent runs in your family huh?

InkBomb Studios said...

Yooo I really hate ya pop. He dont even practice then he just ups and do this!? im comming over your crib right now and shitting all over that peice.

Unknown said...

Maleficium: yeah man, i used to just try to copy everything he did.

Kyle: preciate it man. seems that

InkBomb Studios: LOL U'r a true idiot. he is ridiculous though.

SketchGX said...

Hey, I'm a fan of your style all the way from Singapore in Asia. keep it cool.

Unknown said...

damn that talent pool your swimmin in! :) you guys ever colab?

Unknown said...

SketchGX: thanks man, glad to hear my stuff is rockin it in Asia

GhettoFab: lol. nah. not yet. . . we got a crazy collab comin' though thats gonna shake up the world. . . .keep your eyes open.



Thank you for ALL of your support and constant visits. I am humbled by all of your kind words and positive feedback.

Great images all around in your blog - most specifically and recently, this one. And trust me, I have more to learn from you than you have from me.

Have a great week and thanks again.

Eric Canete.

Unknown said...


No thank YOU, man. you're a constant inspiring force in the art world. I greatly respect what you do and I just try to pick up the little bits of knowledge that jump out at me from your work.
So back at you in every way, man.

keep it ill

. said...

Wow!! Very cool stuff! :)

Unknown said...

thanks alot, Mimi

Sam I Am said...

Your dad is killer! All I can say is wow. My mom was my major inspiration also. Her paintings and everything she did was my foundation.. You truly were blessed with that talent from your Father. :)

dils santos said...

yo!!! johnny, adore that arts and comics create for you much cool.

God bls you...peace.

MonaLeFae said...

your father is amazing. i can't believe that you have watched this man create art all of your life. i wish i could have had someone nurture my artistic side a little more or at the very least have an artistic person in my presence. my family does the stick people I am in awe. HE IS AMAZING.


dils santos said...

i like the your designs is shows!!!